Expert workplace and real estate strategies for organizations on the move

We focus on data-driven, design-centric, and partnership-based solutions that improve the employee experience while optimizing the use of real estate assets. Our team works with a range of clients across industries, both mature companies and fast-growth start-ups, who are all focused on becoming more agile organizations. We offer a comprehensive menu of services and expertise, from strategies that will help shift and adapt your workplace for the future, to facilities management techniques that will transform the way you manage your real estate portfolio.


Data has changed the way we look at the workplace. Whether it’s understanding space usage at an individual office level, or tracking strategic planning across several assets or locations, many organizations today benefit from the use of an integrated workplace management system (IWMS). We are well-versed in providing support and implementation services related to IWMS. Our team of experts is ready to partner with your organization to show you how a data-guided solution can positively impact your culture and your bottom line.